
Why does it say "va'Yasar Lir'os"?


Malbim: It was no longer the season when grapes ripen 1 , so he did not need to detour away from the vineyard. Rather, he detoured to see the place where a miracle was done for him. One who sees such a place must bless Hashem (Brachos 54a).


I.e. the grapes were already harvested. Refer to 14:5:2:2*.


What is "Adas Devorim"?


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: It is a Kina (Kenisah) 1 of bees.


Lev Yitzchak: Rashi implies that it is a gathering of bees. It seems that it is a hive; the Targum of "Kan Tzipor" (Devarim 22:6) is Kina d'Tzipra. (On verse 9, explaining va'Yirdehu, Rashi (citing Shabbos 95a) said that Rediyah applies to removing honey on cakes of wax stuck to the hive. However, if also here the honey was in a hive, why did Rashi bring first that 'Rediyah' applies to removing bread stuck to the oven?! The Targum 'u'Vei Duvsha' could mean that the honey was in the hive, or in the lion's body. - PF)

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