
What is the meaning of "va'Yered Avihu El ha'Ishah"?


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: [Shimshon's] father descended for the matter of [Shimshon's marriage to] the woman.


Why does it say "va'Yered" (singular)? Also Shimshon went!


Radak: Shimshon and his parents went, but his father entered the city first, to tell the woman to prepare for the wedding. Malbim - the custom was that the Chasan's father told her to prepare.


Why does it say "Ki Ken Ya'asu ha'Bachurim"?


Malbim: The custom was that the Chasan made seven days of feasting in his house when he was still a Bachur (before the Nisu'in), and the Kalah's father made the seven days of feasting after the Nisu'in.

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