What are the implications of "Ro'im ba'Midbar"?
Rashbam: It implies that they would wander in the desert from one place to another - like sheep searching for pasture.
What are the ramifications of "Arba'im Shanah"?
Rashi: It implies that not one of that generation would die before the age of sixty. 1
Seeing as the current episode took place in the second year, why did Hashem say "forty years", and not 'thirty-nine'?
Rashi: Since the first year was included in the decree - because already from the sin of the Eigel Hashem had in mind to issue the current decree, only He waited until their measure was full. 1
Rashi: As the Pasuk hints in Ki Sissa. Refer to 34:32:3:2*. And this also explains why Hashem said here (in Pasuk 34) "Tis'u es Avonoseichem" (in the plural). See also 14:33:5:1.
What is the meaning of "ve'Nas'u es Z'nuseichem"?
Rashi (citing Targum Onkekos) and Targum Yonasan: It means 'You will receive your punishment!'.
Seforno: It means 'You will bear your faithlessness - when you rebelled against Me and declared "Let us appoint a leader ... " '. 1
Why did Hashem refer to "Zenuseichem" (plural)?