
What do we learn from "Tzedakah Teromem Goy v'Chesed l'Umim Chatas"?


Bava Basra 10 #1 (R. Eliezer): Tzedakah elevates Yisrael, but it is a sin for Nochrim, for they give only to aggrandize themselves. "[Daryavesh gave in order that] l'Chayei Malka u'Vnohi". 1


Bava Basra 10 #2 (R. Yehoshua): Tzedakah elevates Yisrael, but it is a sin for Nochrim, for they give only to prolong their reign. [Nebuchadnetzar gave in order that] "v'Chata'ach b'Tzidkah Feruk... Teheve Archah li'Shlevsach (and he will have serenity for a long time)."


Bava Basra 10 #3 (R. Gamliel): Tzedakah elevates Yisrael, but it is a sin for Nochrim, for they give only to be haughty;


Bava Basra 10 #4 (R. Eliezer ha'Moda'ai): Tzedakah elevates Yisrael, but it is a sin for Nochrim, for they give only to revile Yisrael.


Bava Basra 10 #5 (R. Nechunyah ben ha'Kaneh): Tzedakah and Chesed elevate Yisrael, but they are a sin for Nochrim.


Bava Basra 10 #6: Just like a Chatas offering atones for Yisrael, Tzedakah atones for Nochrim.


Rashi: Tzedakah elevates Yisrael, but Chesed is a sin for Nochrim, for they take from this one and give to another.


R. Yonah: Tzedakah elevates the entire nation, even though they do not know to do it Lishmah, only to glorify themselves. They will succeed and become rich in the merit of Tzedakah. Chesed atones for their Shogeg sins, like a Korban Chatas.


Malbim: A nation with a particular creed is called Le'om. Am has a king. Goy is a gathering without a king and without a creed. Even so, Tzedakah elevates them. When they go in the way of Tzedakah, they are elevated from their letter of the lowliness, and inherit honor. Le'om, even though they have a common creed, Chatas, i.e. leaning away from the way of Tzedakah, it is Chesed - the greatest shame 2 .


Bava Basra 10b: Yisraelim may give Tzedakah this way, e.g. 'I give this Sela to Tzedakah in order that my son should live', or 'in order that I will merit the world to come', but Nochrim may not (for if they do not get their request, they regret the whole matter).


Rashi (Vayikra 20:17, regarding "Chesed Hu"): The Targum of "Cherpah" (Bereishis 34:14) is Chisuda.

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