
Why does it say "ha'Kol Sar"?


Radak #1: They veer from the good way. Some say that this is like Sag, like it says in the latter version of this Mizmor (53:4). This is like "Nasogu Achor" (Yeshayah 42:17). These mean the same; Gimel switches with Reish in At-Bash (we exchange the first, second, third


What is the meaning of "Ne'elachu"?


Rashi: They were converted to ruin.


Radak: They became repulsive. This is like "Sir Asher Chel'asah Vah" (Yechezkel 24:6), i.e. filth, just the letters (of the root, Lamed and Ches) are reversed. The same applies to "Af Ki Nis'av v'Ne'elach" (Iyov 15:16).


What is the meaning of "Ein Gam Echad"?


Rashi: Not one of [Nebuchadnetzar's] soldiers protested against him. Radak - also "Gam l'Re'ehu Yisna Rash" (Mishlei 4:20) means 'even'.


Malbim: Even though the individual who appears to honor Hashem, he does not do good, for his heart is full of sin, and also he denies [Hashem].

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