
What do we learn from "ba'Yom ha'Hu Yihyeh Al Metzilos ha'Sus Kodesh la'Shem"?


Radak citing Pesachim 50a #1: In the future, Hashem will increase Yerushalayim 1 up to the amount that a horse can run [from daybreak] until its shade is under it (midday).


Rashi, from Pesachim 50a #2: All ornaments hung between a horse's eyes 2 will be Kodesh. People will be Makdish them for Klsi Shares - buckets for blood and pots to cook much Kodesh meat.


Pesachim 50a #3: All the booty that Yisrael will take [from Nochrim] until a horse's shade is under it (i.e. the entire morning) will be Kodesh.


Malbim: The future Yerushalayim will be 45 Mil away from the Mikdash. A person can walk only 40 Mil in a day! Therefore, the Kedushah will spread as far as person can go in a day riding on a running horse 3 .


Radak's text is Eretz Yisrael. The fastest racehorse goes about a mile in a minute. If it can sustain this pace the entire morning, it can go about 1000 Mil. Rashi (Bamidbar 13:25, based on Megilah 3a) says that already, Eretz Yisrael is 1600 Mil by 1600 Mil! Perhaps Radak explains that Hashem will add this amount to Eretz Yisrael. (PF)


Radak: They are hung from a horse's neck; [the rider] jingles them. People will be Makdish them for pots to cook in the Mikdash. It will be as if it is engraved on them 'Kodesh la'Shem'; it will be known that they are Kodesh, and no one will not take even one for himself.


I do not understand why the Kedushah spreads this amount. (PF)


Which horses are discussed?


Radak #1: They are the horses that will die in the plague.


Radak #2: They are the horses on which nations will ascend every year to celebrate Sukos [in Yerushalayim].


How will the Siros resemble the buckets?


Rashi #1: The Siros (pots to cook Kodesh meat) will be Klei Shares, like the buckets for blood.


Rashi #2: The Siros to remove ashes from the Mizbe'ach will be of gold and silver, like the buckets for putting blood on the Mizbe'ach.


Targum Yonasan: The pots to cook Kodesh meat will be as numerous as buckets for blood 1 . Radak - this is because all who come to celebrate will bring Korbanos that are eaten.


Malbim: There will be so many Korbanos that they will need to use [also] pots like buckets to throw the blood on the Mizbe'ach 2 .


What is the Chidush? One bucket can be used for many Korbanos in one hour; surely, each Korban must cook in a pot for at least an hour! And surely many animals (especially cattle) will need to be cooked in multiple pots, for they do not fit in one pot! Perhaps most people roast Korbanos, and a small minority cook them in pots; even so, there will be more pots than buckets. (PF)


Tamid 3:4: Every day they took out of Lishkas ha'Kelim 93 Kelim of silver and gold. Rambam - they needed 93 each day. (Surely, they took out more on Erev Pesach. In the fat Pesach (Pesachim 64b), there were probably about 500,000 Pesachim in each other the first two groups. If the blood from each Pesach flowed for half a minute into a bucket, they needed over 4,000 buckets! - PF)

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