
How did they put their idols on their hearts?


Rashi: Their heart is to their idols, to serve them. Malbim ? serving idolatry is not merely an action for them. It is pictured for them on the heart. They believe and cling to it with all their hearts


What is the meaning of "Nasnu Nochach Peneihem"?


Rashi: The idolatry will always be a god for them, to fear it.


Why does it say "ha'Idaresh Idaresh"?


Rashi: This is a warning. I will seek them, and reply to their words many lasting astonishments.


Radak: The first Idaresh is Makor (like an infinitive). The Aleph is in place of a Hei, for it is hard to pronounce two consecutive Hei's. The grammatical form is like "ha'Nason Tinasen" (Yirmeyah 38:3). Will I be Doresh for them (grant their request), since their heart is to idols?! I will not.


What is the meaning of "u'Michshol Avono Yasim Nochach Panav"?


Malbim: Also their sins of action are not in deed. They put in front of their faces the sin that makes them stumble and what brings it about, and strive constantly that it bring them to sin. Since they cling so much to sin, both in thought and in deed, they wantonly sin and deny amidst thoughts of idolatry, there is no hope lest they repent.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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