Why does the verse discuss after his death?
Radak: The living rejoiced over his death, and the dead were agitated and feared. This is a metaphor - just like in his lifetime, he frightened everyone, also the dead will fear lest he do so in his death. It is a metaphor, based on how much he scared the entire world, that also the dead will fear when he comes to them.
Malbim: When the grave heard that he is coming, it was agitated. It thought that he came to destroy nations and kingdoms.
Why does it say "Likras Bo'echa"?
Rashi: When you will descend to Gehinom.
Malbim: When it heard that you are coming. Later, they will see that you are a trodden corpse.
What is the subject of "Orer"?
Radak: It is She'ol. Radak - in this verse it is feminine (Ragzah) and masculine (Orer).
Malbim: It is the grave. It is as if it arouses the powerful Mesim to join to your camp to fight your war.
Who are "Refa'im"?
Rashi: They are giants who lie there.
Radak: They are the dead. The same applies to "Refa'im Bal Yakumu" (26:14), "Im Refa'im Yakumu" (Tehilim 88:11).
Targum Yonasan: Gavrin. Radak - these are great, mighty Mesim
Who are "Kol Atudei Aretz"?
Rashi: All Nochri kings, nobles and female nobles. The verse compares them to bulls, cows and goats - "Ki Sevavuni Parim" (Tehilim 22:13), "Paros ha'Bashan Asher b'Har Shomron" (Amos 4:1). Here the verse compares them to goats.
Radak: Kings are called Atudim - just like adult male goats lead the flock and go in front of them - "k'Atudim Lifnei Tzon", so kings lead the nation.
What is the meaning of "Hekim"?
Rashi: He cast.
Radak: It is a metaphor, as if the grave arouses the great Mesim to greet you when you will die, and in their graves they were on their thrones, just like in their lifetimes.
Malbim: This is past tense. It is as if the grave already woke the kings, and they abandoned their thrones in the grave, amidst fear of you.
What chairs are discussed?
Rashi: Those of Nochri kings in Gehinom.
Radak: Refer to 14:9:6:2.