What is "Nidham"?
Rashi: He retreats, and holds back from war.
Radak: He is confounded, and does not know what to do.
Radak citing his father, based on Arabic: It is one whose heart is covered certain illness.
Malbim: He is stunned; his senses and feelings are Batel; he does not feel anything. This illustrates one who does not save due to lack of knowledge.
Why does it say "k'Gibor"?
Radak: Salvation is in his hand, but there are times when he cannot save via his strength.
Malbim: He cannot save from one stronger than himself. This illustrates one who does not save due to lack of ability.
Why did he say that You are among us?
Radak: How can You ignore our afflictions?!
Malbim: This is the opposite of a guest who came only to lodge.
Why did he say that Your name is called on us?
Rashi: Therefore, it is not according to Your honor to do so.
Radak citing a Midrash: Your name is joined to our name Yisrael.
Malbim: This is the opposite of a stranger. You did not hand us over to be under the Ma'arachah. Rather, we are under Your Hashgachah!
What is the meaning of "Al Tanichenu"?
Rashi: Do not abandon us.