What is "Chazon Sheker"?
Radak: They did not see this via prophecy, and they say that they saw in prophecy.
Malbim: I did not send them, command them or speak to them at all. It is false Nevu'ah via imagination.
What is Kesem?
Radak citing the Ramban: Some people have an influence on intellect in the power of imagination, to the point that they speak about future events and dream true dreams. Nevi'ei ha'Ba'al were like this. This is why people believed them!
Radak: Some say that Kesem is astrology (Malbim - or lotteries).
What is Elil?
Rashi: It is something without any reality. Malbim - e.g. idols and Terafim 1 .
Radak: It is something false. They say that there will not be sword and hunger. This is false, for there will be sword and hunger!
In Bereishis 31:19, Malbim explained that Rachel took Lavan's Terafim, lest he learn from them where Yakov went! Perhaps she erred because she grew up in Lavan's house. In Devarim (27:18), Malbim says that Yakov's feared lest Lavan stumble to think that there is substance to them, and this is why Yakov took them! (PF)
What is Tarmis Libam?
Radak: It is guile. They think in their hearts 'since they think that our words are right, as they tested us in some future matters, we will tell them not to fear Yirmeyah's words, for we saw in Nevu'ah, and we did not see sword and hunger. We will commend their deeds so we will be honored in their eyes and beloved to them.' This is Tarmis Libam. They seek to deceive the nation with their words.
Malbim: It is Sheker that they fabricate from their hearts.
Why did Hashem say "Lachem"? The false Nevi'im do not prophesize for [Yirmeyah and other true] Nevi'im!
Radak: He included the [true] Nevi'im, just like Yirmeyah included himself and said "Rabu Meshuvoseinu..." (verse 7).