Did Hashem return their border even though they had not repented?
Radak: Yes. He had mercy on them due to their poverty.
Malbim: He saw that amidst poverty, they are despairing and being extremely evil. Punishments are not helping; if He leaves them like this, there will be no solution!
What is the meaning of "Moreh Me'od"?
Rashi #1: It was very adverse. This is like "Asher Yamreh Es Picha" (Yehoshua 1:18), "Mamrim Heyisem" (Devarim 9:7), "va'Tihyenah Moras Ru'ach" (Bereishis 26:38).
Rashi #2: It was very low. This is like "Yarah va'Yam" (Shemos 15:4).
Radak: It switches from one Ra'ah (evil) to another.
Radak citing Targum Yonasan: The subjugation of Yisrael is very strong.
Malbim: They are Mamrim (rebelling) very much. (Refer to 14:26:1:2.)