
When did they make Azaryah king?


Rashi citing Seder Olam 19: It was in Amatzyah's lifetime (refer to 14:22:2:2), right after he fled. When you count the years of Bayis Rishon according to the kings, it is 425. It was only 410! Rather, 15 years are counted both for Amatzyah and Uziyah 1 .


Radak: The verses imply that immediately after he fled, they sent and killed him, brought him to Yerushalayim and buried him, and declared his son king. However, perhaps they sent and killed him after time.


Radak citing Seder Olam 19: When Amatzyah returned from Edom and fought Yisrael, his servants conspired against him. 2 He fought Edom in his 13th year. 3


Malbim (19): It was in Amatzyah's lifetime 4 , three years after his war with Yo'ash. Perhaps then he fled to Lachish. He ruled in Lachish, and Azaryah ruled in Yerushalayim. After 12 years the conspirators overpowered and sent to Lachish and killed him there.


Radak: There is no proof from there! When you count the years, there are 410 until Nebuchadnetzar came in the third year of Yehoyakim. If you count until the Bayis was destroyed in Tzidkiyah's 11th year, there are 419. (There must be a printing mistake. If we include Yehoyakim's last eight years, and Tzidkiyah's 11 years, there were another 19 years until the Churban! Also, Nebuchadnetzar did not become king until Yehoyakim's fourth year! Perhaps Radak means that Nebuchadnetzar came in his third year (Yehoyakim's sixth year). There were another five years of Yehoyakim and 11 of Tzidkiyah (16 in all), so the total is 419 from when Bayis Rishon was finished (seven years after Shlomo began building it. - PF)


A verse supports this (Divrei ha'Yamim II, 25:27) - "from the time that Amatzyah veered from Hashem, they conspired against him." He veered from Hashem when he returned from Edom, for he brought Elohei Se'ir.


Radak: If so, when he returned from Edom and fought Yisrael, his servants conspired against him and killed him. All this was in his 13th or 14th year. There remained 15 or 16 years of his kingship, for he ruled 29 years! Seder Olam infers from "Acharei Shachav ha'Melech" (verse 22) that Azaryah became king in Amatzyah's lifetime, but it does not say when.


Malbim: This is why it says (Divrei ha'Yamim II, 26:1) "Kol Am Yehudah" took him [to be king].

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