Why does it say that Sha'ul struck Netziv Pelishtim? Yonason struck him!
Radak: Those who heard thought that Sha'ul killed him, or commanded Yonason to strike him.
Malbim: Since he affirmed Yonason's act and prepared the nation for war, the matter is attributed to him.
What is "Niv'ash"?
Rashi: Pelishtim detested them. It is an expression of hatred.
Did Pelishtim hate all of Yisrael due to an individual's act?
Malbim: Yes, since it was via the king that all of them appointed.
What is "va'Yitz'aku"?
Malbim: They gathered.
Why was Sha'ul in Gilgal?
Rashi: Shmuel told him to go (10:8).
Radak: He was still there after renewing the kingship.