
Why does it say "Ish Echad"?


Bamidbar Rabah 10:5: Echad always means Gadol, i.e. the greatest of his generation. 1


Malbim (Shmuel 1:1:1): He was special, to father Shimshon. Perhaps he holds that Bamidbar Rabah can agree that he was an ignoramus. (PF)


This seems unlike the opinion that he was an ignoramus (refer to 13:11:1:1,2). However, according to Malbim we need not say so (refer to 13:2:1:2). (PF)


Why does it say "Mishpachas ha'Dani"?


Radak: Mishpachas is like Shevet, as in "Mishpachas Yehudah" (Yehoshua 7:17). The Yud at the end of ha'Dani is Leyaches (to attribute to it), like "Shevet ha'Menashi" (Devarim 29:7).


Why does it say both "Akarah" and "Lo Yaladah"?


Radak: The latter adds explanation, like "Sarai Akarah Ein Lah Valad" (Bereishis 11:30).


Toras Moshe (Haftoras Nasa): A man can divorce (without paying a Kesuvah) a woman who vows, for children die due to the sin of Nedarim. The angel told her that she will never have children if not for this vow 1 , so Mano'ach cannot object.


Alshich, Malbim: There can be a woman who gave birth, and later became sterile. Also, there can be a woman who did not give birth for another reason, but she is not sterile. 2


I.e. she must accept a vow like the angel said, until the child is born. It is astounding that accepting what the angel commanded her is called a woman who vows! (PF)


Granted, the Navi teaches this to us. Why did the angel need to tell her? She knew that she never had children! (PF)

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