
Was there a Shofet during the 40 years of Shibud under the Pelishtim?


Seder Olam (12): The 40 years begin 1 during the years of Yiftach, and end in the years of Shimshon.


Radak: The 40 years are part of the calculation of the years of the Shofet. 2


Seder Zemanim (a Perush on Seder Olam) fixes the text to say so.


Surely he means 'the Shofet at the time', like Seder Olam (refer to 13:1:1:1 and the note there), for no Shofet after Gid'on ruled for 40 years. Even according to the Yerushalmi that says that Shimshon 'ruled' for 40, it means that Pelishtim were still afraid 20 years after his death. We cannot say that the 40 years of Shibud are counted in Shimon's years! (PF)

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