What is the meaning of "Mis'avah va'Ayin Nafsho Atzel"?
Rashi: The simple meaning is, his Nefesh desires all good, and it does not have.
Rashi (according to the Mashal): In the future he will see the honor of Chachamim and desire it, and not attain it.
R. Yonah: It does not say Mis'avah va'Ayin Nefesh Atzel. Therefore, it means that one whose Nefesh desires, and he does not [attain], know that he is lazy. If one says 'I toiled [in Torah], and I did not find (understand)', do not believe him (Megilah 6b).
Malbim: An Atzel is the opposite of Charutz, who works with Zerizus and diligently. An Atzel who does not want to toil in Melachah - do not say that he has no desire. Really, his Nefesh desires more than anyone! Desire overpowers more in one who has no way to fulfill it. However, his hands, feet and limbs do not heed his Nefesh to fulfill his desire. Since they desire idleness, they kill his Nefesh - "Ta'avas Atzel Temisenu Ki Me'anu Yadav La'asos" (21:25).
Malbim (according to the Mashal): One who is lazy and does not engage in Chachmah, his spiritual Nefesh desires, but does not have. It will die permanently, because his hands do not serve his spiritual Nefesh.
Why does it say "v'Nefesh Charutzim Tedushan"?
Rashi: This discusses Yesharim who eat the toil of the hands.
Malbim: Charutzim, even though their bodies toil in work, their Nefesh is fattened. They have all their desires.
Malbim (according to the Mashal): A Charutz, even though his body toils, his spiritual Nefesh will delight in Beis Hashem, and drink the river of its pleasures.