What is the meaning of "Cherev Uri Al Ro'i"?
Rashi: A sword should be aroused against Esav ? I appointed him over the flock that I exiled.
Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: A sword should be aroused against Melech Bavel.
Radak citing Ibn Ezra: This Nevu'ah is about many wars that will be in the entire land in the days of Mashi'ach ben Yosef. Ro'i is every Nochri king that Hashem made him rule over the land.
Malbim: In those days the sword will be aroused against the man who says that he is Hashem's shepherd, i.e. against the Navi of the Yishmaelim and those who believe in his creed. He says that Hashem sent him to be the world's shepherd.
What is "v'Al Gever Amisi"?
Rashi: I joined him to Me, to guard My flock like Myself.
Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: And against his governors ? colleagues, like himself.
Radak citing Ibn Ezra: Nochri kings that Hashem made rule over the land ? they think that he is a colleague to Elokim and like Him.
Malbim: He says that he is Hashem's colleague, and equal to Him.
What shepherd should be stricken?
Rashi: Melech Bavel.
Malbim: The Navi of the Yishmaelim.
What flock should spread out?
Rashi: Those who are under his domination (Yisrael).
Targum Yonasan: The governors. Rashi ? this does not refer to Yisrael. We do not find Shiltonim in Yisrael, not in Tanach or in Targum. We find only Melech and Sarim (officers), and their Targum is Ravrevin.
Malbim: The Yishmaelim who believe in their Navi.
What is the significance of returning His hand?
Rashi: He will repeat His lashes.
Who are "ha'Tzo'arim"?
Rashi: They are governors lower than kings.
Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: They are appointees of the Bavliyim ? they are second [in power] to them.
Malbim: They are the priests [of Yishmaelim] who are Metza'er (pain) themselves for his (their Navi's) honor to be Perushim, like is known.