
Why does someone ask about his lashes?


Radak: If you are not a Navi, why were you lashed? This is a sign that you prophesized, and your parents hit you and afflicted you, to make you stop!


Malbim: False Nevi'im used to scrape themselves with swords and spears, and hit each other, so Ru'ach would dwell on them ? "va'Yisgoded k'Mishpatam ba'Charavos uva'Rechamim Ad Shefach Dam Aleihem" (Melachim I, 18:28).


Why does it say "Bein Yadecha"?


Rashi: Between your shoulders. This is where sinners are lashed 1 .


Radak: They tied the hands and feet of one who was lashed, lest he go away. It says "Eshpoch Es Ruchi Al Kol Basar v'Nibe'u Bneichem u'Vnoseichem" (Yo'el 3:1). Those who will not have Nevu'ah will be jealous of those who have it, and will make themselves Nevi'im, like the others. Their fathers who hear will recognize that it is Sheker, and tell them "Lo Sichyeh" (3).


Makos 22b: One third of the lashes are on the stomach, and two thirds are on the back. Rashi holds like Ritva there, that they are in the middle of the back; Rambam holds that one third are on each shoulder. (PF)


What do we learn from "Asher Hukeisi Beis Me'ahavai"?


Makos 22b #1: R. Yehudah learns from here that an extra 40th lash is between his arms. Aruch l'Ner - 39 lashes are for the sin, the extra one arouses Hashem's love for him.


Makos 22b #2: This discusses a Rebbi lashing children.


Rashi: They loved me and rebuked me to go in the straight path.


Radak: My beloved hit me and afflicted me, for I did not engage in farming in my youth. This was to make me veer from waywardness of youth, and engage in work.


Radak citing his father: They lashed me in the Beis Midrash for what we were writing and learning, or some other reason that he will say.

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