The previous verse said that Hashem will remove the Nevi'im. Why does our verse discuss a Navi?
Radak: If a sinner will be found who will prophesize with Ru'ach Sheker, and say that he is a Navi of Kel, Yisrael at that time will have knowledge and intellect to recognize whether his words are Emes or Sheker.
Malbim: This shows why they will not prophesize. (a) No one would believe him. Even his parents would stab him, for they would know that he is a false Navi. (b) Refer to 13:5:2:4.
It already said "Aviv v'Imo." Why does it add "Yoledav"?
Radak: This is additional explanation 1 .
Why is additional explanation needed? Regarding Eshes Yefas To'ar, one opinion says that "Aviha v'Es Imah" is idolatry (Yevamos 48b). (PF)
What is the meaning of "u'Dkaruhu"?
Radak #1: They will hit and wound him, to chastise him.
Radak #2: They will kill him, like it says "Lo Sichyeh."