What is the Nimshal of "Lo Alisem ba'Peratzos"?
Rashi: You did not do good deeds that can block the evil from coming.
Radak: The officers and leaders of Yisrael, who could have protested, did not stand in the breaches to oppose the foxes, that they not enter alone. They should have hit them and shamed them!
Malbim: True Nevi'im strive (a) to fence, lest there be breaches amidst the nation, and (b) to stand in the breach. Also in a place where a breach was not fenced, if the enemy (the prosecutor against the nation) comes, they stand in the breach to fight the enemy, i.e. they advocate, pray and turn back anger, and protect the generation with their merits ? "va'Avakesh Mehem Ish Gedor Gader v'Omed ba'Peretz Lefanai" (22:30). A Mashal for this is a Gibor who stands where the wall is breached to fight the enemy. You did not do so. Just the contrary, you were like foxes in ruins. When the enemy comes, they flee via breaches.
What do we learn from "[Lo?] va'Tigderu Gader"?
Radak: You did not fence and build (seal) the breaches via Teshuvah and good deeds, to guard Beis Yisrael.
Malbim: You did not fence around Beis Yisrael to close the breach (fix the generation). You were like foxes, who prefer the breach!
What is "b'Yom Hashem"?
Radak, Targum Yonasan: It is b'Yom Af Hashem (the day of His anger) and His decree. Had you done so (fenced the breaches), your deeds would have stood for you in war, and your enemies would not have ruled over you.
Malbim: It is the day that he decreed that the enemy come. One can stop via sealing the breach, or standing in war against the enemy.