
Who will be Poked on you?


Rashi, Targum Yonasan: Hashem will 1 .


Radak: The enemy will. It will come on you to exile you and destroy you. What will you say then?!


Malbim: The Owner of the flock will ask where it is. Why did you lose all of them via rebellion [against Nebuchadnetzar]?


Radak: The verse implies unlike this. It says "you taught them (the ones who will be Poked on you) to be chiefs over you!


What is the meaning of "Limadt Osam Alayich Alufim l'Rosh"?


Rashi #1: You sent Sheluchim to the Bavliyim to bring their idols from there to serve them - "va'Tagevah Aleihem l'Mar'e Eineha va'Tishlach Mal'achim Aleihem Kasdimah" (Yechezkel 23:16).


Rashi #2: You taught them to be chiefs over you - Chizkiyah showed the Sheluchim of Merodach Bal'adan all of Beis Nechoso (Yeshayah 39:2).


Radak: What will you say [when the enemy punishes you]?! You taught them to be chiefs over you! Achaz sent to Melech Ashur "I am your slave and your son; ascend and save me from Melech Aram and Melech Yisrael" (Melachim II, 16:7). You caused that they will exile you and destroy you! You brought them upon you, for they were far from you. What will you say when they come to destroy you? They already came to save you!


Malbim: You (Tzidkiyah) swore to him not to rebel against him.


What is the meaning of "Chavalim Yochazucha"?


Radak: When you see this, pains will seize you, like those of a woman about to give birth.


What is the grammatical form of "Ledah"?


Radak #1: It is a noun; Eshes is Samuch to it.


Radak #2: It is an adjective. It says Eshes, for this is known, like "Eshes Yefas To'ar" (Devarim 21:11).

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