
Why does it say "Rabas" with a Sov at the end?


Radak (120:6): The Sov at the end of Rabas is in place of a Hei; it is not Samuch. The same applies to "Rabas Tzareruni" (129:1), "Rabas Taserenah" (65:10).


What is "ha'La'ag ha'Sha'a'nanim"?


Rashi: The mockery of the tranquil Goyim. Radak - we are poor and pained among them.


Malbim: They deride us for our afflictions.


Why does it say "ha'La'ag ha'Sha'a'nanim" (both words have the prefix Hei)?


Radak #1: The word Samuch [to ha'Sha'a'nanim] is omitted. This is like "ha'Aron ha'Bris" (Yehoshua 3:14). It should say ha'La'ag La'ag ha'Sha'a'nanim.


Radak #2: The latter Hei is in place of a Lamed. We are satiated with disgrace that we are la'Sha'a'nanim (to the tranquil).


What is "ha'Buz li'G'ei Yonim"?


Rashi: They disgraced Yerushalayim.


Radak: It is written like one word li'G'eiyonim, which has the same grammatical form as Elyonim, but the vowels are different due to the guttural letters. It is pronounced like two words. Ge'ei is like Ge'im (haughty ones), and Yonim is like "Ir ha'Yonah" (Tzefanyah 3:1) and "Cherev ha'Yonah" (Yirmeyah 46:16), an expression of Ona'ah (affliction).


Malbim: The haughty ones among them scorn those who notice us to mock us. They consider us too lowly to be a subject of mockery, like one would scorn an esteemed person who mocks the ultimate lowlife.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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