
Why does the Torah repeat the Isur Dam again?


Rashi: To incorporate blood that is absorbed in the limbs in the Isur. 1


Chulin, 115b: This Pasuk is referring (not to the Isur of Dam, but) to that of Basar ve'Chalav (meat and milk). 2


See Torah Temimah, note 94.


Which we learn via 'Davar ha'Lamed me'Inyano' from the previous Pasuk, which is discussing Basar and Dam (two species). See Torah Temimah, note 95.


Why does the Torah write "Lema'an Yitav lach" in connection with someone who refrains from drinking blood?


Rashi: To teach us the tremendous reward that is due for observing the Mitzvos 1 - because if someone who refrains from drinking blood, which is loathsome to drink earns reward for himself and his children after him, 2 how much more so someone who refrains from theft and Arayos, for which the Yeitzer-ha'Ra to transgress is much stronger!


Refer to 12:23:1:2.


See Torah Temimah, note 96.


What are the implications of the phrase "Ki Sa'aseh ha'Yashar be'Einei Hashem"?


Seforno: It implies that when one refrains from drinking blood, one should not do so because it is loathsome, but in order to do what is right in the Eyes of Hashem. 1


Seforno (citing R. Elazar ben Azaryah in the Toras Kohanim): Refer to Vayikra, 20:26:1:2.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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