
What are the implications of "Zachar"?


Mechilta: It implies a lamb that is a complete male, to preclude a Nekevah, a Tumtum (which may be a Nekevah) and an Androginus, which is partially Nekevah.


What are the implications of "Ben Shanah"?


Mechilta: It implies within the first year - before Rosh Hashanah. 1


Mechilta: Nevertheless, it is Kasher even after Rosh Hashanah, as long as it is still within its first year of birth. And we learn this with a Kal va'Chomer from the more stringent Olah - See Torah Temimah, note 43. Also see Gur Aryeh (12:5:2.1).


Why does the Torah add the words "Yih'yeh Lachem"?


Zevachim 25b: To teach us that the Pesach should be Tamim and in its first year, not only when it is Shechted, but also when the blood is received and carried to the Mizbe'ach and its blood sprinkled. 1


See Torah Temimah, note 44.


What is the significance of these laws of the Korban Pesach - that it must be an unblemished male Seh in its first year, a sheep or a goat?


Maharal discusses this in Gevuros Hashem. Refer to 12:3:6.3:1.


Must the Korban Pesach comprise a lamb as well as a kid-goat?


Mechilta: No! We learn a Kal va'Chomer from the more stringent Olah - by which the Torah writes "Min ha'Kevasim O Min ha'Izim" (Vayikra 1:10), that one or the other will suffice.


Why must it say "Min ha'Kevasim u'Min ha'Izim"? It says "Seh" - a term that includes only a sheep or goat!


Moshav Zekenim (to 12:4): One might have thought that "Seh" is only l'Chatchilah. 1


Moshav Zekenim: It must be entirely from sheep or entirely from goats. This excludes a crossbreed.


In Kodshim, something is Me'akev (essential) only if it is taught twice. (PF)



Rashi writes: "[Seh] Tamim - without blemish." But perhaps it means that the animal must be 100% a Seh, and not a crossbreed (e.g. between a goat and a deer)?


Gur Aryeh: The result of crossbreeding (Kil'ayim) is never valid as a Korban (Zevachim 84a, and see Bechoros 12a).


Rashi writes: "Ben Shanah - It is called a Ben Shanah throughout its [first] year; i.e. it was born this year." Mizrachi asks - The Mechilta implies that the simple Peshat of "Ben Shanah" means a full year; and we then need a Kal va'Chomer to include throughout its first year?


Mizrachi: Rashi is referring to within its first year. The Mechilta teaches about an animal that has completed a year, aside from the year in which it presently stands. 1


Gur Aryeh: The Mechilta teaches us that even after the new year for Ma'aser Behemah begins, 2 the Seh remains valid for Korban Pesach for its entire first year. Rashi tells us the Halacha after the conclusion of the Mechilta.


Gur Aryeh: Mizrachi understands that the Mechilta validates an animal in its second year for the Korban Pesach. Gur Aryeh dismisses this, because it would no longer be a Seh (Mishnah Parah 1:3).


On 1 Elul - see Rosh Hashanah 1:1.

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