
What is the significance of "Ach Asharti..."?


Radak: This is the opposite of "v'Kave El Elokecha Tamid" (7). He does not hope to Hashem, and does not admit that He gave to him ability to amass wealth. Rather, he says "Kochi v'Otzen Yadi Asah Li Es ha'Chayil ha'Zeh" (Devarim 8:17). He forgets Hashem, who gave to him the power - "v'Shachachta Es Hashem Elokecha" (ibid. 14). "Asharti" - I waxed rich by myself.


What "On" did Efrayim find?


Rashi: It is strength. Radak - this is like "ul'Ein Onim Atzmah Yarbeh" (Yeshayah 40:29).


Rashi citing a Midrash: I found a loan document - I have kingship on Yisrael - "va'Yelechu Gam Echav va'Yipelu Lefanav va'Yomeru Hinenu Lecha la'Avadim" (Bereishis 50:18). "On" is a document, like 'we write Ono about it' (Gitin 8). Yaravam ben Nevat from Shevet Efrayim boasts and says 'I found a document that all of Yisrael are slaves to me.' What a slave acquired his master acquired. All their money is mine - therefore, "I have no sin" if I take all that they have, for I am their master. What does the coming verse say? "V'Anochi Hashem Elokecha me'Eretz Egypt" - grandeur that came to your father in Egypt, it was from Me. Hashem says, you did not forget "Hinenu Lecha la'Avadim" but "Anochi Hashem Elokecha" (Shemos 20:2) in Aseres ha'Dibros you forgot! You erected two calves, one in Beis Kel and one in Dan!


Radak: It is like Hon (wealth).


What is the meaning of "Kol Yegi'ai Lo Yimtze'u Li Avon"?


Rashi 1 : It is good for you if you said in your heart 'all my money will not suffice to atone for my sin.' So Yonason translated - the Navi told them, all your money will not suffice for you on the day of payment of your liability. "Lo Yimtze'u" means that they will not suffice. This is like "u'Matza Lahem" (Bamidbar 11:22).


Radak: This is another evil. He oppresses and says that in all that he toils and gathers, no money of sin will be found.


Malbim: Efrayim says that this is not Avon, since he does not rule over the body by force, just he profits via overcharging in commerce, via his exertion. Even though I had different stones (false weights), this is not sin.


Rashi: You cannot say that this means that all who toil to find my sin will not find sin in me. If so it would have written Yegi'a, without a Yud at the end, and with a Tzeirei. It is not an expression of Yaga (exertion), rather, Yegi'a (reaching).


Why does it add "Asher Chet"?


Radak #1: This is like v'Chet. Similarly, "Tov Asher Yafeh" (Koheles 5:17) is like Tov v'Yafeh.


Radak #2: [Will not be found in me Avon, and nothing] in which there is Chet. Chet is less than Avon, for sometimes Chet is via Shogeg.


Radak #3: "Avon Asher Chet" - that there was Chet in it, i.e. that I sinned in it. If money came to me via sin and theft, I did not know. I.e. [it was not] that I sinned in it and I took it in sin via my knowledge. This is like "v'Hisi'u Osam Avon Ashmah" (Vayikra 22:16); Avon is Samuch to Ashmah - Avon for which they are guilty.

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