
Why does it mention "ba'Beten Akav Es Achiv"?


Rashi: All this I did for him - [Yakov] held [Esav's] heel in the womb, for a sign that Yakov will be a master to him. Radak - this was a great wonder, for a fetus in the womb has no strength and ability in its limbs. To grab the other fetus' heel is wondrous. I made this sign for his children, that in the end (the heel) Bnei Yakov will rule over Bnei Esav. Even though in the days of David they ruled over them - "va'Yihyu Edom Avadim l'David" (Divrei ha'Yamim I, 18:13), the authority did not last until the end of days. It says [about the end of days] "v'Hayah Beis Yakov Esh u'Veis Yosef Lehavah u'Veis Esav l'Kash v'Dalku Vahem va'Achalum v'Lo Yihyeh Sarid l'Veis Esav" (Ovadyah 1:18). His sons did not put all this to heart.


Malbim: So Efrayim pursue their brother Yehudah.


What do we learn from "uv'Ono Sarah Es Elokim"?


Radak: This was another sign that I showed to him for his children. I gave to him strength to fight with an angel, and be an officer opposite him, as if he was in the same class as him. This shows that his children will be Hashem's portion alone; no star or angel will rule over them as long as they do My will. They need not fear Osos (signs) of Shamayim; Osos have no power against them, for His Hashgachah clings to them as long as they do His will. Chance happenings will not befall them. It says "Asher Chalak Hashem Elokecha Osam l'Chol ha'Amim Tachas Kol ha'Shamayim; va'Eschem Lakach Hashem..." (Devarim 4:19-20).


Malbim: This corresponds to dedicating Beis Kel for serving the calves. Yaravam said that there the angel will speak with Bnei Yakov who serve the calves (refer to 12:5:4:4). He will be the conduit for the influence of Brachos to them also now.

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