
Why did Hashem tell him to make a whole in the wall at night?


Rashi: It is a Siman for Tzidkiyah, who left via a tunnel of a cave. He feared to leave openly, due to the Kasdim.


Radak: This is like a thief leaves. He will carry Klei Golah on his shoulder and leave via the hole and cover his face, lest someone see him, like one who is ashamed. It is a Siman for Tzidkiyah, who left Yerushalayim at night - "va'Yivrechu va'Yetz'u Laylah Min ha'Ir" (Yirmeyah 39:4).


Malbim (4-5): He acts like one who wants to flee from mandatory Galus via the enemy, and he leaves covertly at night to another side ? not the side he left from the first two times, during the day. He chooses an exile other than what the enemy wants to exile him via force. This is a Siman for Tzidkiyah, who wanted to flee at night. When the city was breached and the nation was prepared to go to exile to Bavel, he wanted to leave covertly at night to another side ? "va'Yetz'u? Derech? b'Sha'ar Bein ha'Chomosayim" (Yirmeyah 39:4).


Why does it say "v'Hotzeisa"?


Radak: You will take out your Kelim via the hole in the wall. It will be a narrow hole; you will take out your Kelim, and afterwards you will leave 1 .


It is too small to leave while carrying his Kelim. (PF)

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