
Why did he say "Yedatani Tir'ani"?


Rashi: You helped me against Anshei Anasos who stood against me [to kill me].


Radak: You saw me in what I am.


Malbim: You know that they wanted to kill me - therefore it is proper to punish them promptly for wanting to kill me.


Why did he say "u'Vachanta Libi Itach"?


Radak: You tested my heart, that it is with you, unlike their hearts, which You are far from them. If so, why are they amidst good, and I am amidst evil?


Malbim: Even though You knew from the beginning everything that will happen - man has free choice. You see that my heart is totally with You.


What is the meaning of "Hatikem k'Tzon l'Tivchah"?


Rashi: Like flock led to slaughter, separate them from life to death. This is like "Ad Hatikenu Osam Min ha'Ir" (Yehoshua 8:6).


Radak: This is like "Ad Hatikenu Osam Min ha'Ir" (Yehoshua 8:6). These serene Resha'im - uproot them from the place where they lie, for their evil, like flock led to slaughter.


Malbim: Do not wait for their measure [of evil] to be full; rather, punish them immediately. For a feast, one picks the fattest animals. So choose their great ones, each to be slaughtered.


What is the meaning of "v'Hakdishem"?


Rashi: Summons them.


What is "l'Yom Harigah"?


Radak: A day when many will be killed - the day of the Churban. Summons them for death, and they will not have place to escape the killing, and then it will be known to the world that their evil caused them, but now there is confusion about their salvation.


Malbim: Fix a day to kill all of them without a remnant. One who conquers a city, first he chooses the officers and head rebels, to kill them via harsh deaths, and afterwards kills everyone on the day of killing.

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