
What are "Edus"?


Radak (1): Edus are Mitzvos that are a testimony and remembrance, like Shabbos, Mo'adim, Tzitzis, Tefilin and similar Mitzvos.


Radak (3): They are Mitzvos Aseh.


Malbim: They are tales that testify that Hashem created the world, and rewards, punishes and overrides nature. Examples are the recount of Ma'ase Bereishis, Adam and the generations until Yetzi'as Egypt.


What is "b'Chol Lev"?


Radak: It is unlike those who learn or do Mitzvos to acquire a reputation.


Malbim: Those who guard his Edus, they received these foundations via tradition and Emunah; they have no doubt about them, or investigations in the Divine. This is unlike philosophers; their heart is divided and unsure.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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