
What is the meaning of the verse?


Rashi (here and Shemos 15:2): The strength and cutting (or vengeance) of Hashem was for me a salvation.


Rashi (Shemos 15:2, citing Targum Onkelos): My 1 strength and my praise is the fear 2 of Hashem; His word became my salvation.


Radak: The Sav at the end of v'Zimras is in place of a Hei, like "Havah Lanu Ezras mi'Tzar" (60:13). Hashem is my strength and salvation; it is proper that I sing to Him.


Malbim: Not only did Hashem help me not to fall (verse 13) - He was also my salvation, to cut off the enemy.


Rashi: This cannot be. Surely the Yud at the end of Azi is extra, for (a) there is a Kamatz under the Ayin, and not a Shuruk; (b) "v'Zimras" is Samuch to Hashem (so also Azi is Hashem's). Radak - if it were Samuch, there would be a Patach under the Reish, like "v'Zimras Nevalecha" (Amos 5:23)! Rather, it is as if it says v'Zimrasi; the Yud at the end of Azi applies also to v'Zimras. Or the suffix Yud is omitted, like we find "Asher Nesancha Hashem ha'Yom b'Yad" (Shmuel I, 26:23) is like b'Yadi.


Rashi (68:5, citing Onkelos Shemos 15:2): The name Kah refers to fear.

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