
When does "Shomer Pesa'im Hashem" apply?


Shabbos 129b, Yevamos 72a: If many people do something dangerous (let blood on Friday, or circumcise or let blood on a cloudy day or on a day when the south wind blows), we rely on Hashem to guard them.


Yevamos 12b, Avodah Zarah 30b: Due to this, Chachamim authorize a girl in her 12th year to have Bi'ah normally (without concern lest she become pregnant and die), and one may eat grapes and figs at night (even though he cannot check for bite marks of a snake).


Sanhedrin 110b: Children of Yisraelim Resha'im come to the world to come. Overseas, 'Pasya' refers to a child.


Radak: A simpleton who does not know a strategy to save himself from his affliction, and he puts his trust in Hashem, He guards him. Also a Chacham should not trust in his Chachmah and strategies, for they will not help if Hashem does not want! It mentions Pesa'im, for they have no other way [to try to save themselves].


What is the meaning of "Dalosi v'Li Yehoshi'a"?


Radak: When I was poor, and I had no one to rely on, He would save me.


Malbim: I became weak in my illness, for "Shomer Pesa'im Hashem" - He wanted to guard me from sin and return me in Teshuvah. Via this, He saved my body and Nefesh.

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