What are "Chevlei Maves"?
Rashi: They are assemblies of our enemies who seek to kill me. Also "Chevlei She'ol" (18:6) is an expression of groups, like "Chevel Nevi'im" (Shmuel I, 10:5).
Radak: It is mortal danger. "Chevlei" is like Tzirim and Chavalim (birth-pangs).
What are "Metzarei She'ol"?
Rashi: They are the borders of She'ol (the grave).
Radak: The matter (mortal danger) is repeated in different words. Metzarei is like "Ki Tzorerim Hem Lachem" (Bamidbar 25:18).
Malbim: She'ol is after death.
Why does it say "Metza'uni" and "Emtza"?
Radak: This is like "Tzirim Achazuni", "Tzirim va'Chavalim Yochezun" (Yeshayah 21:3, 13:8). Occurrences find a person; he cannot escape. He finds them; he goes to where they will find him, for he does not know his time [to die]. Sometimes he goes to find good, and finds bad. 'A person's legs are guarantors for him; to where he must be, they take him' (Sukah 53a).