
What is the meaning of "Moshivi Akeres ha'Bayis"?


Pesachim 118b: [The most pious part of] Keneses Yisrael says to Hashem, Your children [through their sins in exile] made me [lowly] like a weasel that dwells in IKaRei Batim (underneath houses).


Rashi: Tziyon, which is [now] like a barren woman, [He] will make it settled.


Radak: He reverses nature. He establishes Akeres ba'Bayis 1 , i.e. she will have children. This is like "va'Ya'as Lahem Batim" (Shemos 1:21), "Moshiv Yechidim Baysah" (above, 68:7).


Malbim: Also a woman who drank a sterility potion (for her husband desired her beauty, and did not want her to become pregnant), He will cure her with His Hashgachah, until she will be a happy mother of children.


Radak: Sometimes it says Akeres (and not Akarah), even though it is not Samuch. Also other words are like this - Atarah or Ateres, Mamlachah or Mamleches, Milchamah or Milchemes.


Why does it say "Em ha'Banim Semechah"?


Rashi: "Ki Chalah Gam Yaldah Tziyon Es Baneha" (Yeshayah 66:8).


Radak: Now she will be happy with her children - in place of being sad without them.


Why does it conclude "Hallelukah"?


Radak: For all of these wonders that Hashem does you are obligated to praise Him.

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