
What do we learn from "Ram Al Kol Goyim Hashem"?


Radak #1: All Goyim aggrandize Him.


Radak #2: He is elevated more than all praises that Goyim say, and even above Shamayim. Even Shamayim and its legions do not grasp His honor.


Malbim: They think that He is elevated above this lowly world, and His honor is only on Shamayim; it is below His honor to supervise over lower beings. They do not bless Him, for they think that Brachah and influence are from the Ma'arachah, and not from Him.


Why does it say "Al ha'Shamayim Kevodo"?


Radak #1: His wondrous honor is on Shamayim. Shamayim and its legions and angels understand more of His honor. They know to elevate Him and tell His honor more than lower beings do.


Radak #2: Refer to 113:4:1:2.


Malbim: Refer to 113:4:1:3.

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