
Why does it say "Hod v'Hadar Pa'alo"?


Radak: When one contemplates His deeds - Shamayim and Eretz - he sees that they are beauty and glory.


Malbim: Pa'alo, what He is still doing in the creation (constantly recreating it every moment), Hod and Hadar are found in it. Hod is internal, and Hadar is external beauty. Hashem acts also on externals, that we perceive with our senses, and also on internal beauty of deeds hidden from the eye.


How is "v'Tzidkaso Omedes La'ad"?


Radak: The entire world, which is Tzedakah from Him to the creations, stands forever.


Malbim: Regarding Hashem, Tzedakah is elevated deeds that He does based on Elokus, without considering [merits of] the creations. This is unlike Nifla'os, which are according to deeds of the creations. What is within natural order never changes. Tzedakah sustains the creation, that its laws will never cease.

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