
What is the meaning of "ha'Mekanei Atah li"?


Rashi: 'Are you being zealous on my behalf?


What is the gist of the latter half of the Pasuk?


Ramban, Seforno and Rosh (on Pasuk 28): In response to Yehoshua's acccusation - Refer to 11:28:1:5, Moshe was saying that Hashem placed His Spirit on them and they prophesied directly. Would that Hashem should do rest His Shechinah on all the people (and not from his Atzilus - Seforno)!


Targum Yonasan: 'Is it because they are prophesying that I will die and that you will succeed me, that you are being zealous on my behalf?'

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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