
Why will wealth not help on a day of anger?


R. Yonah: Tzedakah, forfeiting one's money for a Mitzvah, saves from death. The rest of his wealth 1 will not help.


That he kept for himself. (PF)


It already said above (10:2) that a Rasha's storehouses do not help. What does "v'Lo Yo'il Hon b'Yom Evrah" add?


R. Yonah #1: Above discusses wealth that he gathered from theft and sin. Here it teaches even about wealth that he gathered from toil.


R. Yonah #2: Verse 3 discussed Bogedim. Now it warns about the Midah of Tzedakah, which is the opposite of a Boged's ways. Why should one be concerned for wealth, and refrain from Tzedakah? On a day of anger 1 , wealth will not help nor save!


Malbim: Wealth will help at a time of Shalom - "Hon Ashir Kiryas Uzo" (10:15), but not at a time of plague or war. Just the contrary, "Osher Shamur li'V'alav l'Ra'aso" (Koheles 5:12)!


It already taught "u'Tzdakah Tatzil mi'Maves" (10:2). Why is this repeated?


R. Yonah: Here it teaches even "b'Yom Evrah" (on a day of anger). It is good to amass storehouses that save from all anger, decrees and death. All this is from fruits of his Mitzvos; the principal is intact for the world to come 1 .


Malbim: Here discusses even "b'Yom Evrah" (plague or war); above discusses natural death.


Magihah: Pe'ah 1:1 says so about Chesed. Perush ha'Mishnayos applies this to all Mitzvos Bein Adam l'Chavero. The Talmudim and Midrash support this. :

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