
What is the question "Eich Etencha Efrayim"?


Radak: Even though you sinned greatly in front of Me I have mercy, and I say 'how will I put you in the enemy's hand? Malbim - if I would do so, the enemy will totally destroy you 1 !


Malbim: The verse depicts that amidst Hashem's mercy, He wants to return to Shomron, for He knows that if He distances to the height of Shechakim (a level of Shamayim), Melech Ashur will eradicate them without a remnant. However, Shomron's sin was great like Sedom and Amorah; when Hashem descended to them, He overturned them in His anger - "Eredah Na v'Er'eh hake'Tza'akasah ha'Ba'ah Elai Asu Kalah" (Bereishis 18:21). He sent His angels there, and while they were there, the city became liable to be overturned. The same would happen if Hashem descended to Shomron.


What is the meaning of "Amagencha"?


Rashi: I will hand you over to your enemies. This is like "Asher Migen Tzarecha" (Bereishis 14:20).


What is the comparison to "Adamah"?


Radak: You were liable, that your land should be overturned like Sedom, Amorah, Admah and Tzevoyim (Devarim 29:22), due to your many sins. My heart reversed not to destroy everything, and leave a remnant for you.


Malbim: How can I return to the city - if so, I will need to overturn it, "k'Mahpechas Sedom va'Amorah u'Tzevoyim" (Devarim 29:22; refer to 11:8:1:1*)


What is "ki'Tzvo'im"?


Radak: It is like the city Tzevoyim (Devarim 29:22). The Aleph is in place of a Vov.


Why does it say "Nehefach Alai Libi"?


Malbim: I do not know what to do. My heart turns to good to them - to descend and protect them from Melech Ashur. However, if I do so, I will need to destroy them (refer to 11:8:1:1*).


What do we learn from "Nichmeru"?


Rashi: They were warmed. This is Arame'ic. This is like "Orenu k'Sanur Nichmeru" (Eichah 5:10).


Radak: [My retraction] was aroused. I retract from the evil that I thought to do to you; I will not do it. This is like "Ki Nichmeru Rachamav" (Bereishis 43:30); the Targum is Isgolelu Rachamohi.

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