
What is the meaning of "ba'Harog David Osam"?


Metzudas David: When David killed Hadad'ezer's army, Razon fled, gathered men and became a leader.


Malbim: Since David killed Hadad'ezer's army, Razon was able to gather soldiers and become a troop leader. Had David not done so, Razon's master (Hadad'ezer) would have chased him when he fled!


How did he become king in Damesek?


Radak (23): When he heard that Hadad returned to his land to harm Yisrael, also he went with men to Damesek. He succeeded, until he and his men ruled there. Later he ruled over all of Aram, and overpowered his men and ruled alone.


Malbim #1: Hadad helped him to become king there.


Malbim #2: Hadad and Razon both ruled initially (in Damesek).

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