How did he not remember Chesed?
Rashi: [Esav] did not engage in his father's mourning over his father [Avraham] like Yakov made a lentil porridge to console Yitzchak; that day, Avraham died.
Radak: All his days he was in sin. He did not remember once to do Chesed.
Malbim: The enemy who cursed did not remember doing Chesed.
Who is "Ish Oni"?
Rashi: Yisrael.
Radak: David said so about himself.
What is the meaning of "v'Nich'av Levav l'Moses"?
Radak: His heart is crushed from his great afflictions. This Rasha pursued him to kill him.
Malbim: He pursued one who was dying, to complete the death. This corresponds to what it said above, that they strove that Sha'ul kill [David].