What is "Yechaltzun"?
Rashi (60:7): They will be saved from evil.
Malbim (60:7): They will send soldiers to fight the enemy.
Why did he say "Hoshi'ah Yeminecha"?
Rashi (60:7): [You had drawn Your right hand back] when their enemies overpowered them.
Radak (60:7): The enemy thinks that Your right hand cannot save us from them, as if Your right hand is afflicted with us. (Show to them that they err!)
Malbim (60:7): Save us via a miracle, which is attributed to "Yemin Hashem Osah Chayil" (118:16).
David asks Hashem to save Yisrael. Why did he say "Aneni" (singular)?
Rashi: Your entire nation and dear ones depend on me.
Rashi (60:7): If You will answer me, I will fight for them, and they will be saved.