
What is the meaning of "Yasem Neharos l'Midbar"?


Rashi: He makes desolate the settled places of the nations.


Radak, Malbim: Places of rivers and springs, He makes them dry deserts and places of thirst.



Rashi writes that He makes desolate settled places of the nations. Is this a praise of Hashem?


Radak: Yes. After teaching about the four who must thank Him for reversing their affliction to respite, it mentions that also elsewhere, He reverses good to evil to punish the residents, and from evil to good when they do His will. This shows that everything is in His Reshus and via His command. He changes nature as He wants, unlike fools who think that man's affairs are chance.


Malbim: Yes. After discussing His Chesed with individuals, it speaks about His Hashgachah seen on collections, both on whole nations and on groups of people. Sometimes due to evil of the residents, He makes desolate settled places.

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