
What is "Teshalach Ruchacha Yibare'un"?


Rashi, from Shocher Tov: This refers to Techiyas ha'Mesim. Radak #1 - even though the previous verse discusses all living beings, this verse discusses only man, who is the primary living created being below. Chachamim argue about whether Techiyas ha'Mesim is for all people. Most Sugyos say that it is for Tzadikim, but not for Resha'im.


Radak #2, Malbim: Also this verse discusses all living beings. These die, and others are born in place of them. "Dor Holech v'Dor Ba" (Koheles 1:4) - the Klal endures, but individuals perish.


Why does it say "u'Sechadesh Pnei Adamah"?


Radak #1: Some researchers say that every living being will rise after death. The Nefashos are destined to be reincarnated and return to the world. However, they do not return to the same physical [body]. This happens constantly for thousands of years. Philosophers say that the Nefesh never returns to the body - "Ad Bilti Shamayim Lo Yakitzu" (Iyov 14:12). Emunas Yisrael is that the Nefesh returns to the same body at the time of Techiyas ha'Mesim. This is a miracle, and not nature - "u'Sechadesh".


Radak #2, Malbim: This discusses all living beings. New beings are born and come to the world.

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