
Why is light the first matter mentioned?


Radak: It was created first after the Galgalim. It is mentioned first in the Torah - "Yehi Ohr" (Bereishis 1:3).


Where does Hashem wrap light like a garment?


Rashi: In Shamayim.


Radak #1: He makes it a garment for Himself - "Hod v'Hadar Lavashta."


Radak #2: Oteh is Po'el Yotzei Shelishi (it makes a second party act on a third). He dresses the world with light, like a person wears his garment.


Malbim: This describes the creation of light. From the hidden light that is not known, Hashem took out another light after intellectual light descended levels, until it became physical. Just like one who wears a garment is hidden under it, so the supreme Ma'atzil 1 is hidden under a garment of light. Just like light that comes through a garment is only holes of an image, unlike like that comes through a window, so Hashem wrapped and hid Himself under this light, to the point that we can understand from the hidden light only fine sparks in the heart's imagination. A covering covers more than a garment, for a garment is according to the measure of the body, and one knows the size of the body from the size of the garment. This does not apply to a covering. The Ma'atzil is hidden the ultimate hiding. The light created on the first day was not put in its case until the fourth day, when the luminaries were created. This light surrounded [the world] at once; there were 12 hours of light all around the earth - "Oteh Ohr ka'Salmah."


Hashem, who created something with a faint semblance of Himself. (PF)


What is the meaning of "Noteh Shamayim ka'Yeri'ah"?


Radak: This refers to the Raki'a that separates 1 - "va'Yikra Elokim la'Raki'a Shamayim" (Bereishis 1:8). This creation was on day two.


Malbim: After the Ma'amar "Yehi Ohr" was the Ma'amar "Yehi Raki'a" (Bereishis 1:6). "Va'Yikra Elokim la'Raki'a Shamayim" (ibid., 8). I support those who explain that Raki'a is the place to which vapors rise in the evaporation cycle, and there are formed clouds and rain. The Raki'a was made from light; the vapors began to rise and cleaved the rainy place where clouds gather.


Radak: We cannot say that it is the higher Shamayim (the nine Galgalim). They were created before the light on day one. First Hashem created the Galgalim and the four 'elements', and He rotated the Galgalim for 12 hours; through this was created time. After 12 hours He said "Yehi Ohr", and there was light for 12 hours. This is night and morning (daytime) - one day.

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