
What is the meaning of "ha'Masbi'a ba'Tov Edyech"?


Radak: Edyech is your mouth. The same applies to "Edyo Livlom" (32:9). This is said about a Choleh, for he detests all food - "v'Zihamti Chayaso Lechem v'Nafsho Ma'achal Ta'avah" (Iyov 33:20). This is a great Chesed and Tov - He gives illnesses to atone for one's sins, and cures the illnesses. The mouth, which despises food, Hashem satiates it with health.


Malbim: While the Nefesh is incarcerated in a body, Hashem satiates it with good - Torah and Mitzvos, which are the Nefesh's food.


What is the meaning of "Tischadesh ka'Nesher Ne'uraichi"?


Rashi: Like a Nesher (eagle - refer to Mishlei 30:17:3:1**), which renews its feathers every year.


Rashi citing a Midrash: There is a species of Nesher that when it gets old, it returns to youth 1 .


Radak: With health, he is renewed - "Rutafash Besaro mi'No'ar Yashuv li'Ymei Alumav" (Iyov 33:25). A Nesher renews every 10 years. Refer to 103:5:2:2*. "Tischadesh" (feminine) refers to characteristics of youth, e.g. moisture. "Rutafash Besaro mi'No'ar" refers to Ratuv and Pash (moisture and jumping).


Malbim: Refer to 103:4:2:2.


Radak citing Rav Sadya Gaon: A Nesher flies higher than all other birds, and ascends high in the sky. It approaches the heat of fire and casts itself into water due to great heat, and returns to youth. It does so every 10 years, until 100. When it reaches 100, it does like always, and it dies in the sea.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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