
Why is this called "Mizmor l'Sodah"?


Rashi: It is proper to say it with a Korban Todah 1 .


Radak: Thank Him for the Chesed that He did with you.


Malbim: It is thanks for a miracle.


Rema (OC 51:10): We omit Mizmor l'Sodah on days when one may not bring a Todah - Shabbos, Yom Tov, Pesach, Erev Pesach and Erev Yom Kipur.


What is the meaning of "Hari'u Lo Kol ha'Aretz "?


Radak: The entire land should rejoice over your Simchah.


Malbim: When He conducts via nature, He is like a king who is closed in his palace and conducts [the country] via his officers and advisors. At the time of a miracle, He is like a king who leaves his palace and goes among the nation to personally supervise their affairs. Then, they all blow a great Teru'ah to declare him king.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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