
Kevuras Rachel is in Beis Lechem, in Yehudah!


Rashi (citing Tosefta Sotah 11:7: Now the men are in Kevuras Rachel. You will encounter them in Gevul Binyamin, in Tzeltzach.


What is Tzeltzach?


Rashi: It is Yerushalayim, which is the Tzel (shade) of Tzelach (success) of Hashem, who is "Tzach v'Adom" (Shir ha'Shirim 5:10).


What is the meaning of "Natash Divrei ha'Asonos"?


Radak: Before the donkeys were found, he abandoned [his concern for them].


What is the significance of the men that he will encounter?


Malbim: The three sets of people that he will encounter hint to three different castes in the nation that he will lead. The first two pertain to the masses, who live animalistic lives and do not serve Hashem. They care only about their bodies and land. The two men correspond to two types within them - some are drawn after lust, to eat and drink, and some desire to gather wealth. "Kevuras Rachel" hints that their Divine soul is buried under clods of earth, i.e. under the body's control. Even if they meet you, they will not be drawn after you to enter your boundary; they will stay in Gevul Binyamin, and not give to you Shalom, like the second group, and all the more so not give to you bread. Bnei Beliya'al said 'what will this one save us?! (verse 27).

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