Why does it say "Rasha k'Govah Apo"?
Rashi: He is Govah Ru'ach (haughty), and lifts and erects his face and nose in his haughtiness.
Radak: Haughtiness of heart is seen on the face. The face is called "Af", e.g. "va'Yipol l'Apav" (Shmuel I, 20:41) is like Al Panav. "Va'Yishtachu Lo Apayim Artzah" (Bereishis 42:6) is like Al ha'Panim.
What is the meaning of "Bal Yidrosh Ein Elokim Kol Mezimosav"?
Rashi: All his thoughts tell him that Hashem will not investigate all that he does, for there is no justice, and no Judge.
Radak: Due to his pride, he does not seek Elokim or pray to Him.
Malbim: Why does Hashem not investigate to punish the Rasha, who in his pride says that there is no Elokim? In all his thoughts, he denies Hashem's existence.