
What is the meaning of "Od ha'Yom b'Nov La'amod"?


Rashi, from Sanhedrin 95a: We toiled all this way in order to stand today in Nov! Sancheriv's astrologers told him 'if you fight Yerushalayim today, you will conquer it. When he stood in Nov 1 , he saw that Yerushalayim is small; he was not concerned for his astrologers' words. He regretted exerting all his troops [to rush to Yerushalayim]. He said 'lodge here tonight. Tomorrow, everyone will cast a rock (and we will conquer the city).


Radak citing his father: Will be a day when those who fled Nov due to Sancheriv will return to there.


Malbim: Har Tziyon asks the cities that flee - why do you fear? Sancheriv is in Nov today, and he cannot leave, for he will fall there! 2


Sanhedrin 95a: He said so when he came to Yerushalayim. He said 'tomorrow, everyone will bring to me a small piece of the wall.' It was the last day that Yisrael were still worthy to be punished for killing the Kohanim of Nov. Had he attacked that day, he would have conquered it.


"Alah... Al Kol Arei Yehudah ha'Betzuros va'Yispesem" (36:1) implies that Sancheriv already conquered all the cities, except for Yerushalayim! We must say that "Kol" is the majority (but not all), for after this, Sancheriv fought Livnah, and he went to fight Melech Kush (37:8-9), and when he returned, he conquered 10 cities on the day that he came to Yerushalayim (28-32). (PF)


Why does it say "Yenofef Yado"?


Sanhedrin 95a: When he saw that Yerushalayim is small, he waved his hand haughtily.


Malbim: Har Tziyon and Yerushalayim gesture to the cities that flee - why do you flee? Why are you afraid? 1


Refer to 10:32:1:3*.


What does the verse say about Har Bas Tziyon?


Rashi: It means l'Har Bas Tziyon (he waved his hand towards it).


Radak: It is as if Har Bas Tziyon waves her hand at Machaneh Ashur in its fall. The same applies to Giv'as Yerushalayim; the matter is repeated in different words. This is like "Bazah Lecha La'agah Lecha Besulas Bas Tziyon Acharecha Rosh Heni'ah Bas Yerushalayim" (37:22).


Malbim: All the cities around Yerushalayim trembled due to the enemy, and Har Tziyon laughs at all this.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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