Why should Bas Galim shout?
Sanhedrin 94b: Yeshayah told Bas Galim -Yisrael, who descend from the Avos who did Mitzvos as great as Galim (waves of the sea) - to pray.
Rashi: It is to warn the nation.
Radak: They should be loud like a Shofar, so Anshei Layish will hear and flee. Machaneh Ashur, on its way [to Yerushalayim], first encountered Bas Galim, and afterwards Layish.
What should Laishah heed?
Sanhedrin 94b: Yeshayah told Yisrael not to fear Sancheriv, rather, Nebuchadnetzar, who is compared to a Layish (lion) - "Alah Arye mi'Subcho."
Rashi: The sound of the Shofar, and they should flee. The same applies to "Aniyah Anasos."
Radak: Refer to 10:30:1:3.
What is the meaning of "Aniyah Anasos"?
Sanhedrin 95a: The prophecy that Yerushalayim will fall to Nebuchadnetzar will come from Yirmeyah of Anasos.
Mahari Kara: Anshei Anasos should fear. It says Aniyah, for this is close to Anasos.
Malbim: The poor city Anasos.